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meego4ever! Offline
war in Schweden und möchte wieder zurück

Beiträge: 8.240
Registriert seit: Jun 2012
Beitrag #1
Ich verwende die die Dos Shell und würde gerne die Farben umstellen. Blau-Weiss ist nichts für mich :D Allerdings finde ich im Netz kein Beispiel für eine solche Datei und die Floppy zum extrahieren habe ich nicht zur Hand. Kann mir jemand den Inhalt seiner DOSSHELL.INI posten?
20.10.2013 11:26
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Retro92 Offline
Windows Profi

Beiträge: 3.668
Registriert seit: Feb 2013
Beitrag #2
Welche Shell verwendest du? Shell aus Dos 4.01 oder Shell aus 5.0+ ? Die dosshell.ini ist komplett im Dos Kompendium von Markt & Technik abgedruckt, falls du das hast.
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 20.10.2013 11:30 von Retro92.)
20.10.2013 11:29
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meego4ever! Offline
war in Schweden und möchte wieder zurück

Beiträge: 8.240
Registriert seit: Jun 2012
Beitrag #3
Ich verwende Dos 6.2. Das Buch habe ich leider nicht :traurig:
20.10.2013 12:02
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Spit Offline
fetter klempner

Beiträge: 26.854
Registriert seit: Jul 2008
Beitrag #4
ich hab das dos 6.22 buch IRGENDWO aufm dachboden, irgendwo extra großgeschrieben :D
20.10.2013 12:03
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meego4ever! Offline
war in Schweden und möchte wieder zurück

Beiträge: 8.240
Registriert seit: Jun 2012
Beitrag #5
Dann SUCHE es und schicke es mir (WENN DU MÖCHTEST)
20.10.2013 12:07
Alle Beiträge dieses Benutzers finden Diese Nachricht in einer Antwort zitieren
Retro92 Offline
Windows Profi

Beiträge: 3.668
Registriert seit: Feb 2013
Beitrag #6
Bitte sehr, dosshell.ini, vom 31.5.1994:

****************  WARNING  ********************
This file may contain lines with more than 256
characters. Some editors will truncate or split
these lines. If you are not sure whether your
editor can handle long lines, exit now without
saving the file.

Note: The editor which is invoked by the
      MS-DOS 5.0 EDIT command can be used
      to edit this file.
****************  NOTE  ***********************
Everything up to the first left square bracket
character is considered a comment.
screenmode = text
resolution = low
startup = filemanager
filemanagermode = shared
sortkey = name
pause = disabled
explicitselection = disabled
swapmouse = disabled
tasklist = disabled
switching = disabled
currentcolor = Ocean
filemanager = enabled
command = enabled
group =
    program =
    command = COMMAND
    title = Command Prompt
    help = Starts the MS-DOS command prompt where you can type any MS-DOS command.^m^mTo return to MS-DOS Shell from the command line:^m^m1. Type exit^m2. Press ENTER.^m^mRelated Topic^m   " More on Command Prompt "~$129~
    pause = disabled
    program =
    command = EDIT %1
    title = Editor
    help = Starts MS-DOS Editor, a text editor you can use to create and modify text files. After you choose Editor, you can specify the file you want to work with in a dialog box.^m^mRelated Topic^m   " More on Editor "~$130~
    pause = disabled
    dialog =
        title = File to Edit
        info = Enter the name of the file to edit. To start MS-DOS Editor without opening a file, press ENTER.
        prompt = File to edit?
        parameter = %1
    program =
    command = QBASIC %1
    title = MS-DOS QBasic
    help = Starts MS-DOS QBasic, a programming environment you can use to create, modify, run, and debug programs. After you choose MS-DOS QBasic, you can specify the file you want to work with in a dialog box.^m^mRelated Topic^m   " More on MS-DOS QBasic "~$131~
    pause = disabled
    dialog =
        title = MS-DOS QBasic File
        info = Enter the name of a QBasic program. To start without opening a program, press ENTER.
        prompt = QBasic File?
        parameter = %1
    group =
    title = Disk Utilities
    help = Displays program items you can choose to manage your disks. You can also choose to open the Main group or any group you may have added.
    program =
        command = diskcopy %1
        title = Disk Copy
        pause = enabled
        dialog =
        title = Disk Copy
        info = Enter the source and destination drives.
        prompt = Parameters . . .
        default = a: b:
        parameter = %1
        help = Temporarily leaves MS-DOS Shell to copy the contents of a floppy disk to another floppy disk. After you choose Disk Copy, a dialog box suggests parameters and switches you can either accept or replace.^m^mRelated Topic^m   " More on Disk Copy "~$132~
    program =
        command = msav
        title = MS Anti-Virus
        help = Scans a disk drive for viruses and removes viruses it finds.^m^mRelated Topic^m   " More on MS Anti-Virus "~$134~
        pause = enabled
        screenmode = text
        alttab = enabled
        altesc = enabled
        ctrlesc = enabled
        prevent = enabled
    program =
        command = msbackup
        title = MS Backup
        help = Backs up or restores one or more files from one disk onto another.^m^mRelated Topic^m   " More on MS Backup "~$133~
        pause = enabled
        screenmode = text
        alttab = enabled
        altesc = enabled
        ctrlesc = enabled
        prevent = enabled
    program =
        command = format %1 /q
        title = Quick Format
        pause = enabled
        dialog =
        title = Quick Format
        info = Enter the drive to quick format.
        prompt = Parameters . . .
        default = a:
        parameter = %1
        help = Temporarily leaves MS-DOS Shell to prepare a disk to accept MS-DOS files. After you choose Quick Format, a dialog box suggests parameters and switches you can either accept or replace.^m^mRelated Topic^m   " More on Quick Format "~$136~
        screenmode = text
        alttab = enabled
        altesc = enabled
        ctrlesc = enabled
        prevent = enabled
    program =
        command = format %1
        title = Format
        pause = enabled
        dialog =
        title = Format
        info = Enter the drive to format.
        prompt = Parameters . . .
        default = a:
        parameter = %1
        help = Temporarily leaves MS-DOS Shell to prepare a disk to accept MS-DOS files. After you choose Format, a dialog box suggests parameters and switches you can either accept or replace.^m^mRelated Topic^m   " More on Format "~$135~
    program =
        command = undelete %1
        title = Undelete
        help = Recovers deleted files.^m^mWARNING: If your disk is full or if you are using task swapping, using this program item may render some deleted files unrecoverable.^m^mRelated Procedure^m   " Restoring Deleted Files "~I155~
        pause = enabled
        dialog =
        title = Undelete
        info = WARNING! This action may cause the permanent loss of some deleted files.  Press F1 for more information.
        prompt = Parameters . . .
        default = /LIST
        parameter = %1
        screenmode = text
        alttab = enabled
        altesc = enabled
        ctrlesc = enabled
        prevent = enabled
color =
    selection =
    title = Basic Blue
    foreground =
        base = black
        highlight = brightwhite
        selection = brightwhite
        alert = brightred
        menubar = black
        menu = black
        disabled = white
        accelerator = cyan
        dialog = black
        button = black
        elevator = white
        titlebar = black
        scrollbar = brightwhite
        borders = black
        drivebox = black
        driveicon = black
        cursor = black
    background =
        base = brightwhite
        highlight = blue
        selection = black
        alert = brightwhite
        menubar = white
        menu = brightwhite
        disabled = brightwhite
        accelerator = brightwhite
        dialog = brightwhite
        button = white
        elevator = white
        titlebar = white
        scrollbar = black
        borders = brightwhite
        drivebox = brightwhite
        driveicon = brightwhite
        cursor = brightblack
    selection =
    title = Ocean
    foreground =
        base = black
        highlight = brightwhite
        selection = brightwhite
        alert = brightwhite
        menubar = black
        menu = black
        disabled = white
        accelerator = brightwhite
        dialog = black
        button = black
        elevator = white
        titlebar = black
        scrollbar = brightwhite
        borders = black
        drivebox = black
        driveicon = black
        cursor = black
    background =
        base = brightwhite
        highlight = blue
        selection = black
        alert = white
        menubar = cyan
        menu = cyan
        disabled = cyan
        accelerator = cyan
        dialog = cyan
        button = brightwhite
        elevator = white
        titlebar = white
        scrollbar = black
        borders = black
        drivebox = brightwhite
        driveicon = brightwhite
        cursor = brightcyan
    selection =
    title = Monochrome-2 Colors
    foreground =
        base = black
        highlight = white
        selection = white
        alert = black
        menubar = black
        menu = black
        disabled = white
        accelerator = white
        dialog = black
        button = white
        elevator = black
        titlebar = white
        scrollbar = white
        borders = black
        drivebox = black
        driveicon = black
    background =
        base = white
        highlight = black
        selection = black
        alert = white
        menubar = white
        menu = white
        disabled = white
        accelerator = black
        dialog = white
        button = black
        elevator = white
        titlebar = black
        scrollbar = black
        borders = black
        drivebox = white
        driveicon = white
    selection =
    title = Monochrome-4 Colors
    foreground =
        base = black
        highlight = brightwhite
        selection = brightwhite
        alert = black
        menubar = black
        menu = black
        disabled = white
        accelerator = brightwhite
        dialog = black
        button = black
        elevator = white
        titlebar = black
        scrollbar = brightwhite
        borders = black
        drivebox = black
        driveicon = black
        cursor = black
    background =
        base = brightwhite
        highlight = brightblack
        selection = brightblack
        alert = brightwhite
        menubar = brightwhite
        menu = white
        disabled = white
        accelerator = brightblack
        dialog = brightwhite
        button = white
        elevator = white
        titlebar = white
        scrollbar = black
        borders = black
        drivebox = brightwhite
        driveicon = brightwhite
        cursor = black
    selection =
    title = Reverse
    foreground =
        base = white
        highlight = black
        selection = black
        alert = white
        menubar = white
        menu = white
        disabled = black
        accelerator = black
        dialog = white
        button = black
        elevator = white
        titlebar = black
        scrollbar = black
        borders = white
        drivebox = white
        driveicon = white
    background =
        base = black
        highlight = white
        selection = white
        alert = black
        menubar = black
        menu = black
        disabled = black
        accelerator = white
        dialog = black
        button = white
        elevator = black
        titlebar = white
        scrollbar = white
        borders = black
        drivebox = black
        driveicon = black
    selection =
    title = Hot Pink
    foreground =
        base = black
        highlight = brightwhite
        selection = brightwhite
        alert = brightmagenta
        menubar = black
        menu = black
        disabled = white
        accelerator = magenta
        dialog = black
        button = brightwhite
        elevator = white
        titlebar = brightwhite
        scrollbar = brightwhite
        borders = black
        drivebox = black
        driveicon = black
        cursor = black
    background =
        base = brightwhite
        highlight = brightmagenta
        selection = magenta
        alert = brightwhite
        menubar = brightwhite
        menu = brightwhite
        disabled = brightwhite
        accelerator = brightwhite
        dialog = brightwhite
        button = magenta
        elevator = white
        titlebar = magenta
        scrollbar = black
        borders = black
        drivebox = brightwhite
        driveicon = brightwhite
        cursor = brightred
    selection =
    title = Emerald City
    foreground =
        base = black
        highlight = black
        selection = brightwhite
        alert = green
        menubar = black
        menu = black
        disabled = white
        accelerator = green
        dialog = black
        button = brightwhite
        elevator = white
        titlebar = brightwhite
        scrollbar = brightwhite
        borders = black
        drivebox = black
        driveicon = black
        cursor = black
    background =
        base = brightwhite
        highlight = brightgreen
        selection = green
        alert = brightwhite
        menubar = brightwhite
        menu = brightwhite
        disabled = brightwhite
        accelerator = brightwhite
        dialog = brightwhite
        button = green
        elevator = white
        titlebar = green
        scrollbar = black
        borders = black
        drivebox = brightwhite
        driveicon = brightwhite
        cursor = brightcyan
    selection =
    title = Turquoise
    foreground =
        base = black
        highlight = brightwhite
        selection = brightwhite
        alert = brightred
        menubar = brightwhite
        menu = black
        disabled = white
        accelerator = white
        dialog = black
        button = black
        elevator = white
        titlebar = black
        scrollbar = brightwhite
        borders = black
        drivebox = black
        driveicon = black
        cursor = black
    background =
        base = brightwhite
        highlight = brightblue
        selection = black
        alert = brightwhite
        menubar = brightcyan
        menu = brightcyan
        disabled = brightcyan
        accelerator = brightcyan
        dialog = brightcyan
        button = brightwhite
        elevator = white
        titlebar = white
        scrollbar = black
        borders = black
        drivebox = brightwhite
        driveicon = brightwhite
        cursor = cyan

associations =
    association =
    program = EDIT
    extension = TXT
    association =
    program = QBASIC /run
    extension = BAS
(Dieser Beitrag wurde zuletzt bearbeitet: 20.10.2013 12:10 von Retro92.)
20.10.2013 12:08
Alle Beiträge dieses Benutzers finden Diese Nachricht in einer Antwort zitieren
meego4ever! Offline
war in Schweden und möchte wieder zurück

Beiträge: 8.240
Registriert seit: Jun 2012
Beitrag #7
Super, Danke! ;)
20.10.2013 12:16
Alle Beiträge dieses Benutzers finden Diese Nachricht in einer Antwort zitieren
Retro92 Offline
Windows Profi

Beiträge: 3.668
Registriert seit: Feb 2013
Beitrag #8
Ich merke gerade, dass ich dir die ini für DOS 6.22 gegeben habe. Auch wenn sich wahrscheinlich nicht viel geändert hat, hier noch mal die dosshell.ini von Dos 6.2 (30.9.1993):

****************  WARNING  ********************
This file may contain lines with more than 256
characters. Some editors will truncate or split
these lines. If you are not sure whether your
editor can handle long lines, exit now without
saving the file.

Note: The editor which is invoked by the
      MS-DOS 5.0 EDIT command can be used
      to edit this file.
****************  NOTE  ***********************
Everything up to the first left square bracket
character is considered a comment.
screenmode = text
resolution = low
startup = filemanager
filemanagermode = shared
sortkey = name
pause = disabled
explicitselection = disabled
swapmouse = disabled
tasklist = disabled
switching = disabled
currentcolor = Ocean
filemanager = enabled
command = enabled
group =
    program =
    command = COMMAND
    title = Command Prompt
    help = Starts the MS-DOS command prompt where you can type any MS-DOS command.^m^mTo return to MS-DOS Shell from the command line:^m^m1. Type exit^m2. Press ENTER.^m^mRelated Topic^m   " More on Command Prompt "~$129~
    pause = disabled
    program =
    command = EDIT %1
    title = Editor
    help = Starts MS-DOS Editor, a text editor you can use to create and modify text files. After you choose Editor, you can specify the file you want to work with in a dialog box.^m^mRelated Topic^m   " More on Editor "~$130~
    pause = disabled
    dialog =
        title = File to Edit
        info = Enter the name of the file to edit. To start MS-DOS Editor without opening a file, press ENTER.
        prompt = File to edit?
        parameter = %1
    program =
    command = QBASIC %1
    title = MS-DOS QBasic
    help = Starts MS-DOS QBasic, a programming environment you can use to create, modify, run, and debug programs. After you choose MS-DOS QBasic, you can specify the file you want to work with in a dialog box.^m^mRelated Topic^m   " More on MS-DOS QBasic "~$131~
    pause = disabled
    dialog =
        title = MS-DOS QBasic File
        info = Enter the name of a QBasic program. To start without opening a program, press ENTER.
        prompt = QBasic File?
        parameter = %1
    group =
    title = Disk Utilities
    help = Displays program items you can choose to manage your disks. You can also choose to open the Main group or any group you may have added.
    program =
        command = diskcopy %1
        title = Disk Copy
        pause = enabled
        dialog =
        title = Disk Copy
        info = Enter the source and destination drives.
        prompt = Parameters . . .
        default = a: b:
        parameter = %1
        help = Temporarily leaves MS-DOS Shell to copy the contents of a floppy disk to another floppy disk. After you choose Disk Copy, a dialog box suggests parameters and switches you can either accept or replace.^m^mRelated Topic^m   " More on Disk Copy "~$132~
    program =
        command = msav
        title = MS Anti-Virus
        help = Scans a disk drive for viruses and removes viruses it finds.^m^mRelated Topic^m   " More on MS Anti-Virus "~$134~
        pause = enabled
        screenmode = text
        alttab = enabled
        altesc = enabled
        ctrlesc = enabled
        prevent = enabled
    program =
        command = msbackup
        title = MS Backup
        help = Backs up or restores one or more files from one disk onto another.^m^mRelated Topic^m   " More on MS Backup "~$133~
        pause = enabled
        screenmode = text
        alttab = enabled
        altesc = enabled
        ctrlesc = enabled
        prevent = enabled
    program =
        command = format %1 /q
        title = Quick Format
        pause = enabled
        dialog =
        title = Quick Format
        info = Enter the drive to quick format.
        prompt = Parameters . . .
        default = a:
        parameter = %1
        help = Temporarily leaves MS-DOS Shell to prepare a disk to accept MS-DOS files. After you choose Quick Format, a dialog box suggests parameters and switches you can either accept or replace.^m^mRelated Topic^m   " More on Quick Format "~$136~
        screenmode = text
        alttab = enabled
        altesc = enabled
        ctrlesc = enabled
        prevent = enabled
    program =
        command = format %1
        title = Format
        pause = enabled
        dialog =
        title = Format
        info = Enter the drive to format.
        prompt = Parameters . . .
        default = a:
        parameter = %1
        help = Temporarily leaves MS-DOS Shell to prepare a disk to accept MS-DOS files. After you choose Format, a dialog box suggests parameters and switches you can either accept or replace.^m^mRelated Topic^m   " More on Format "~$135~
    program =
        command = undelete %1
        title = Undelete
        help = Recovers deleted files.^m^mWARNING: If your disk is full or if you are using task swapping, using this program item may render some deleted files unrecoverable.^m^mRelated Procedure^m   " Restoring Deleted Files "~I155~
        pause = enabled
        dialog =
        title = Undelete
        info = WARNING! This action may cause the permanent loss of some deleted files.  Press F1 for more information.
        prompt = Parameters . . .
        default = /LIST
        parameter = %1
        screenmode = text
        alttab = enabled
        altesc = enabled
        ctrlesc = enabled
        prevent = enabled
color =
    selection =
    title = Basic Blue
    foreground =
        base = black
        highlight = brightwhite
        selection = brightwhite
        alert = brightred
        menubar = black
        menu = black
        disabled = white
        accelerator = cyan
        dialog = black
        button = black
        elevator = white
        titlebar = black
        scrollbar = brightwhite
        borders = black
        drivebox = black
        driveicon = black
        cursor = black
    background =
        base = brightwhite
        highlight = blue
        selection = black
        alert = brightwhite
        menubar = white
        menu = brightwhite
        disabled = brightwhite
        accelerator = brightwhite
        dialog = brightwhite
        button = white
        elevator = white
        titlebar = white
        scrollbar = black
        borders = brightwhite
        drivebox = brightwhite
        driveicon = brightwhite
        cursor = brightblack
    selection =
    title = Ocean
    foreground =
        base = black
        highlight = brightwhite
        selection = brightwhite
        alert = brightwhite
        menubar = black
        menu = black
        disabled = white
        accelerator = brightwhite
        dialog = black
        button = black
        elevator = white
        titlebar = black
        scrollbar = brightwhite
        borders = black
        drivebox = black
        driveicon = black
        cursor = black
    background =
        base = brightwhite
        highlight = blue
        selection = black
        alert = white
        menubar = cyan
        menu = cyan
        disabled = cyan
        accelerator = cyan
        dialog = cyan
        button = brightwhite
        elevator = white
        titlebar = white
        scrollbar = black
        borders = black
        drivebox = brightwhite
        driveicon = brightwhite
        cursor = brightcyan
    selection =
    title = Monochrome-2 Colors
    foreground =
        base = black
        highlight = white
        selection = white
        alert = black
        menubar = black
        menu = black
        disabled = white
        accelerator = white
        dialog = black
        button = white
        elevator = black
        titlebar = white
        scrollbar = white
        borders = black
        drivebox = black
        driveicon = black
    background =
        base = white
        highlight = black
        selection = black
        alert = white
        menubar = white
        menu = white
        disabled = white
        accelerator = black
        dialog = white
        button = black
        elevator = white
        titlebar = black
        scrollbar = black
        borders = black
        drivebox = white
        driveicon = white
    selection =
    title = Monochrome-4 Colors
    foreground =
        base = black
        highlight = brightwhite
        selection = brightwhite
        alert = black
        menubar = black
        menu = black
        disabled = white
        accelerator = brightwhite
        dialog = black
        button = black
        elevator = white
        titlebar = black
        scrollbar = brightwhite
        borders = black
        drivebox = black
        driveicon = black
        cursor = black
    background =
        base = brightwhite
        highlight = brightblack
        selection = brightblack
        alert = brightwhite
        menubar = brightwhite
        menu = white
        disabled = white
        accelerator = brightblack
        dialog = brightwhite
        button = white
        elevator = white
        titlebar = white
        scrollbar = black
        borders = black
        drivebox = brightwhite
        driveicon = brightwhite
        cursor = black
    selection =
    title = Reverse
    foreground =
        base = white
        highlight = black
        selection = black
        alert = white
        menubar = white
        menu = white
        disabled = black
        accelerator = black
        dialog = white
        button = black
        elevator = white
        titlebar = black
        scrollbar = black
        borders = white
        drivebox = white
        driveicon = white
    background =
        base = black
        highlight = white
        selection = white
        alert = black
        menubar = black
        menu = black
        disabled = black
        accelerator = white
        dialog = black
        button = white
        elevator = black
        titlebar = white
        scrollbar = white
        borders = black
        drivebox = black
        driveicon = black
    selection =
    title = Hot Pink
    foreground =
        base = black
        highlight = brightwhite
        selection = brightwhite
        alert = brightmagenta
        menubar = black
        menu = black
        disabled = white
        accelerator = magenta
        dialog = black
        button = brightwhite
        elevator = white
        titlebar = brightwhite
        scrollbar = brightwhite
        borders = black
        drivebox = black
        driveicon = black
        cursor = black
    background =
        base = brightwhite
        highlight = brightmagenta
        selection = magenta
        alert = brightwhite
        menubar = brightwhite
        menu = brightwhite
        disabled = brightwhite
        accelerator = brightwhite
        dialog = brightwhite
        button = magenta
        elevator = white
        titlebar = magenta
        scrollbar = black
        borders = black
        drivebox = brightwhite
        driveicon = brightwhite
        cursor = brightred
    selection =
    title = Emerald City
    foreground =
        base = black
        highlight = black
        selection = brightwhite
        alert = green
        menubar = black
        menu = black
        disabled = white
        accelerator = green
        dialog = black
        button = brightwhite
        elevator = white
        titlebar = brightwhite
        scrollbar = brightwhite
        borders = black
        drivebox = black
        driveicon = black
        cursor = black
    background =
        base = brightwhite
        highlight = brightgreen
        selection = green
        alert = brightwhite
        menubar = brightwhite
        menu = brightwhite
        disabled = brightwhite
        accelerator = brightwhite
        dialog = brightwhite
        button = green
        elevator = white
        titlebar = green
        scrollbar = black
        borders = black
        drivebox = brightwhite
        driveicon = brightwhite
        cursor = brightcyan
    selection =
    title = Turquoise
    foreground =
        base = black
        highlight = brightwhite
        selection = brightwhite
        alert = brightred
        menubar = brightwhite
        menu = black
        disabled = white
        accelerator = white
        dialog = black
        button = black
        elevator = white
        titlebar = black
        scrollbar = brightwhite
        borders = black
        drivebox = black
        driveicon = black
        cursor = black
    background =
        base = brightwhite
        highlight = brightblue
        selection = black
        alert = brightwhite
        menubar = brightcyan
        menu = brightcyan
        disabled = brightcyan
        accelerator = brightcyan
        dialog = brightcyan
        button = brightwhite
        elevator = white
        titlebar = white
        scrollbar = black
        borders = black
        drivebox = brightwhite
        driveicon = brightwhite
        cursor = cyan

associations =
    association =
    program = EDIT
    extension = TXT
    association =
    program = QBASIC /run
    extension = BAS
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20.10.2013 12:23
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(20.10.2013 12:03)Spit schrieb:  ich hab das dos 6.22 buch IRGENDWO aufm dachboden, irgendwo extra großgeschrieben :D

Ich habs griffbereit da :oO3:

:oO3: :oO3:
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